Myer Resumes

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Customizing Your Resume - avoid mass templates

Proactive preparation and ownership of your resume is paramount

Always customize your resume. Make it unique to you. So don’t use some samples you found on the internet. You would be hard-pressed to find another individual out there with the exact same expertise, skills, experience, and unique selling point that you have. So why use a template resume from someone else to convey that?

Obviously the job market is very turbulent right now, and with more layoffs being announced every week and fewer jobs being available it makes sense to spruce up your resume. You need something to differentiate yourself from the crowd. This may be one of those times when you need to call in a resume writer. Here is why a professional resume writer can give you an advantage:

1. Resume writing is not like any other form of writing out there. They specialize in what they do, on a daily basis. So unless you’ve been taught, certified, or worked in an industry where you review them every day you’re probably not an ‘expert’.

2. They know how to accentuate your strengths and turn your resume in your personal advert. Professional resume writers can take an objective look at your resume - taking any emotions out of it.

3. They can help you customize to your target audience. They help you navigate around Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Professional resume writers can make your resume win over your target audience; HR Managers, Hiring Managers, Recruiters, and Key Decision Makers. It is a lot like sales and marketing but instead of marketing a product to a consumer they’re marketing a person to a company; you!.

4. They can create powerful, customized, and captivating documents. Your resume needs to impress the employer, be completely relevant to the job you are applying to, and make the reader really want to call you for an interview. A professional resume writer can create a dynamic resume for you that will do just that.

5. Here at Myer Resumes, we have a dynamic team that helps deliver a versatile product; we have worked for design consultancies, we are currently hiring managers, we have been senior recruiters and finally, we are award-winning resume writers.

If you are copying text or resume templates from various internet websites you are doing yourself more harm than good. You must utilize a unique and customized resume that conveys your message “I’m a perfect fit for the role you are advertising for”.

Let a professional resume writer at Myer Resumes help you create your ‘perfect fit’ resume today.